Kamis, 28 Maret 2013



My name is Ira Paramita. I was born in Makassar, on 5 August 1992. when I was 3 months old, my family moved to Jakarta because my father was transferred by his office assigned. I enrolled in primary school of Islam PB. Sudirman, upon entering junior high school, I moved to Sukabumi to go to boarding the Qur'an As-Syafi'iyah. I was there for 6 years until I graduated from high school.

My father worked in state-owned companies, for which he served as Director of Finance. My mother used to work in a bank Mandir, but now he was out dann worked as a housewife.

I have 2 brothers, 1 sister and 1 brother. My sister woman named Dita, she had passed the S-1 Law and has worked in corporate Patents Indonesia. my brother man, had attended STEKPI, but due to some reasons, he moved to Gunadarma majoring in Information Systems.His name was Imam

My family really liked cats, our cat now named Petsy, Sissy, Moka. Named Sissy, has given birth to five children where the Petsy is his Father. we also had burumg black crested parrots and parrot.

my hobby is reading a book or newspaper, listening  musics specially from UK or USA musics, only a view indonesian musics i like too kind of chrisye sing, ruth sahanaya , sherina munaf, regina idol , anggun etc. their voice are amazing and so old, maybe because that i like them. also my hobby are travelling, i wonder if i can spend my money to Singapore, Brunei, Raja Ampat, Lombok, Thailand, India (mosrt want to vistt this country), Hawai, Moracco, Dubai. i can only hope but never stop to try it first. Always praying to allah SWT taht i can visit all of the country. 

now i am busy to write down my research about index, pray for me so i can finish it in this term.

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