Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013


Pengertian Etika?
Menurut Brooks (2007), etika adalah cabang dari filsafat yang menyelidiki penilaian normatif tentang apakah perilaku ini benar atau apa yang seharusnya dilakukan. Kebutuhan akan etika muncul dari keinginan untuk menghindari permasalahan – permasalahan di dunia nyata.
Encyclopedia of Philosophy mendefinisikan etika dalam tiga cara:
1. pola umum atau cara hidup, yang berbicara mengenai etika Buddha atau Kristen
2. seperangkat aturan perilaku atau kode etik, yang berbicara mengenai etika professional dan perilaku yang tidak beretika
3. penyelidikan tentang cara hidup dan aturan perilaku, yang berbicara mengenai bahwa etika adalah cabang filsafat yang sering diberi nama khusus mateathics.
Istilah etikaberasal dari bahasa Yunani kuno, bentuk tunggal kata ‘etika’ yaitu ethos, sedangkan bentuk jamaaknya yaitu ta etha. Arti dari bentuk jamaak inilah yang melatar-belakangi terbentuknya istilah yang oleh aristoteles dipakai untuk menunjukkan filsafat moral. Jadi, secara etimologis (asal usul kata), etika mempunyai arti yaitu ilmu tentang apa yang biasa dilakukan atau ilmu tentang adat kebiasaan (K, Bertens 2000)
Dalam Kamus Bahasa Indonesia yang lama (Poerwaderminta, sejak 1963 –mengutip dari Bartens 2000), etika mempunyai arti sebagai : “ilmu pengetahuan tentang asas-asas nakhlak (moral)”. Sedangkan dalam Kamus Bahasa Indonesia yang baru (Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1988 –mengutip dari Bartens 2000), mempunyai arti :
1. Ilmu tentang apa yang baik dan apa yang buruk dan tentang hak dan kewajiban moral (akhlak)
2. Kumpulan asas atau nilai yang berkenaan dengan akhlak
3. Nilai mengenai benar dan salah yang dianut suatu golongan atau masyarakat.
Sumber : Brooks, Leonard J. 2007, Etika Bisnis & Profesi, Edisi 5, Penerbit Salemba Empat.
etika dibagi menjadi menjadi 2 yaitu :
1; ETIKA UMUM, yang berbicara secara umum mengenai kondisi-kondisi dasar manusia bagaimana manusia bertindak secara etis , bagaimana seorang manusia mengambil keputusan etis,teori-teori etika dan prinsip-prinsip moral besar yang menjadi pegangan bagi manusia dalam bertindak serta tolak ukur dalam menilai baik atau buruknya suatu tindakan.
2. ETIKA KHUSUS, merupakan penerapan prinsip-prinsip moral dasar dalam bidang kehidupan yang khusus. Dan etika ini dibagi menjadi 2 bagian yaitu :
            a. etika individual, yaitu menyangkut kewajiban dan sikap manusia terhadap dirinya sendiri.
            b. etika social, yaitu berbicara mengenai kewajiban, sikap dan pada perilakumanusia sebagai anggota umat manusia.
Pengetian Profesi?
Profesi adalah kata serapan dari sebuah kata dalam bahasa inggris. Profesi adalah pekerjaan yang membutuhkan pelatihan dan penguasan terhadap suatu pengetahuna khusus. Suatu profesi biasanya memiliki asosiasi profesi , kode etik, serta proses sertifikasi dan lisensi yang khusus untuk bidang profesi tersebut. Contoh profesi adalah peta bidang hokum, kedokteran, keuangan, militer, teknik, desainer, tenaga pendidik.
Seseorang yang memiliki suatu profesi tertentu, disebut professional. Walaupun begitu, istilah professional juga digunakan untuk suatu aktivitas yang menerima bayaran, sebagai lawan kata dari amatir. Contohnya adalah petinju professional menerima bayaran untuk pertandingan tinju yang dilakukannya, sementara olahraga tinju sendiri umunya tidak dianggap sebagai suatu profesi.

Pengertian Etika Profesi?
Etika Profesi pada hakikatnya adalah kesanggupan untuk secara seksama berupaya memenuhi kebutuhan pelayanan professional dengan keunggulan, kecermatan dan keseksamaan mengupayakan pengerahan keahlian dan kemahiran berkeilmuan dalam rangka pelaksanaan kewajiban masyarakat sebagai keseluruhan terhadap para warga masyarakat yang membutuhkannya, yang bermuatan empat kaidah pokok, yaitu :
          a. Pertama : profesi harus dipandang dan dihayati sebagai suatu pelayanan dengan tidak mengacu pamrih
          b. Kedua : selalu mengacu kepada kepentingan atau nilai-nilai luhur sebagai norma kritik yang memotivasi sikap dan tindakan
          c. Ketiga : berorientasi pada masyarakat sebagai keseluruhan
          d. Keempat : semangat solideritas antar sesame rekan seprofesi demi menjaga kualitas dan martabat profesi.
Sumber :

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013


Name Jonathan "Jony" Ive included in the list of the most creative people in the world of technology. He was the brains behind the cool designs on a variety of Apple devices.
In the company founded by Steve Jobs, Ive finished the Senior Vice President of Industrial Design. He is responsible for the appearance of Apple's flagship products, such as the iMac, MacBook, iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
Ive was born in Chingford, London, England, on February 27, 1967. Since childhood, he has been a hobby of drawing. In an interview conducted by, Ive said it had no desire to draw and make product design since he was 13-14 years old.
"I knew I wanted to create a design, but I do not know what I wanted to design. Past I interested in anything: cars, products, furniture, jewelry, and vessels," he said.
After discussions with several design consultants, Ive finally decided to concentrate on the science of the most common design, the design of the product. Eventually he focused on the study of art and design at school, then studying industrial design at Newcastle Polytechnic (now Northumbria University was named).
In college, Ive already feel comfortable using Apple Mac. According to him, there is no compelling computer at that time, except for the Apple Mac. Only Apple Macs that support design work. Maybe that's one of the turning points in the life of a Jony Ive.
In 1997, Ive been working as a designer at Apple intends to resign. At that time Apple was losing direction. The leaders in the company's business focus more on improving profits than creating great products. That makes Apple's business slumped and the company almost went bankrupt.
However, 1997 seems to be a historic year for Apple and Ive. Apple bought Next, a computer company owned by Steve Jobs. The acquisition brought Jobs back into the old company he founded, after he was fired in 1985.
Knowing that Jobs would return to Apple, Ive thought better to resign. Long story short, Apple began to transform itself under the leadership of Jobs. In addition to Jobs, Ive become one of the heroes in the history of the rise of Apple. Ive was promoted to chief designer of Apple hardware.
While still alive, Jobs had a very good relationship with Ive. They both often dubbed "jives", a combination of their names, Jobs and Ive. In the biography of Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson, Jobs even called Ive as his spiritual partner at Apple.
In the book, Jobs' wife, Laurene Powell, also admitted that her late husband's closeness with Ive. Ive often played into Jobs' home, and their family have a close relationship. Many people come and go in the life of Steve Jobs. They are easily replaced by others, according to Powell. "But not so with Jony," he said.
Jobs with proximity Ive started when Jobs returned to Apple. Their meeting occurred when Jobs visited the Apple design lab. At the time, Jobs was looking for designers from outside of Apple to rejuvenate the company. But then he met with Ive. Jobs noticed how Ive worked and loved the young designers. Since then, they are compact work together and spawned a variety of sophisticated products that become iconic Apple.
The first product they made was the iMac that comes with bright colors are transparent. This attractive design distinguishes the iMac computers in the 1990s, who appeared with a dull beige color.
Product designs made Steve Jobs Ive gained recognition. As reported by, during his lifetime, Jobs once said, "The difference is made by Jony very large, not only felt at Apple, but also around the world. He is a very intelligent man. He understands business concepts and marketing. He also understands what we do at Apple is better than anyone. "
After the death of Steve Jobs, Tim Cook Apple's control of the company as CEO. But if Cook should be compared with Ive, Cook is now the most powerful in the Apple employees, temporary employees Ive is the most important. Ive role in providing guidance to Cook for all decisions related to Apple products.
In October 2012, Cook promotes Ive to rise to a more important position, the Senior Vice President of Industrial Design or head of unit at the Apple Human Interface. With that position, Ive is responsible for leading the hadware and software designer at Apple, one of the most innovative companies in the world.

apple effect

Related to the death of Steve Jobs on Wednesday yesterday (5 Oct) and eyes of the world were fixed immediately on Apple Inc.. Yes, it looks like a scene release of the iPhone 4S a day before the death of Jobs became a little forgotten. Instead, the media and gadget sites write about Steve Jobs and what he has wrought so as to make Apple Inc.. size now.
One of the things the media write is CSmonitor. Through its correspondent, Alan Webber, CSmonitor tells how Apple as a company and as a leader, Steve Jobs has changed the perspective of the world through technology and innovation.
Webber said first met Steve Jobs in 1991. Webber is currently the managing editor of the Harvard Business Review (HBR). Webber made the trip from Boston to Silicon Valley to see what happens at the headquarters of Apple. Webber recently gave a presentation to a class at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, when Jobs appeared and started a conversation with him.
"The article is good," said Jobs. "One of the best articles I have ever read. You are right to mention not a computer, but computing. "
Jobs then talked about an article recently published in the July 1991 edition of HBR, written by Andy Rappaport and Shmuel Halevi titled "Industrial Computer Not Have a Computer". Actually the provocative article comes at a time the United States saw a nervous Japanese companies control more than 40 percent of U.S. laptop market. Japanese company also leads in the production of memory chips and be the dominant U.S. competitors in the production supercomputers.
The article asks U.S. to not worry. It's because the future is in the computer but not in the computation. "Defining how computers are used, not how they are produced, will create real value - and thus the strength of markets, jobs, and wealth - in the next 10 years," so the contents of the article. "A computer is the main source of enterprise computing to customers."
Computer is a 'thing', while what people want is not a 'thing' but to do 'many things'.
With a strategic vision that they have, Jobs has led Apple to be the most admired company in the world. According to Fortune magazine it has been running for four years. Jobs has made Apple become the world's favorite entertainment center, listening gadgets, gadgets read, watch gadgets, things previously impossible to do with gadgets.
Of course be important to have the hardware to the application have the right platform. And in view of Jobs, the hardware should be unusual and different from the others. Hardware should be designed properly and different. If seen and felt, touched and heard his voice, then all user interface on the hardware then digodok by Apple and in the business sphere. At least, that Apple products exist in the eyes of Webber.

And now Apple has become a world-class company. There are many things that make the public was amazed at the leadership of Apple and Steve Jobs but Webber noted that he told 3 news worthy of scrutiny:
1. Although Apple's 45,000 employees still seem to be too little, but Apple have surpassed ExxonMobil as the richest companies in the world. It is very surprising achievement.
2. When the U.S. economy is mired in recession and unrelenting U.S. government can not solve its debt, Apple actually has cash reserves of $ 76 billion, which recognized more than what the federal government dimilik.
3. Jobs announced his resignation last August from his position as CEO of Apple. Announcements should be normal for a CEO that just begs the question, speculation, and enormous outpouring of concern for Jobs and Apple.
How seriously ill Jobs? What is the impact of the resignation of Jobs to Apple products? How strong Tim Cook and the rest of the team without Jobs? Can they continue to create innovations like Jobs?
But there is also another question, which is considered more relevant Webber: When Jobs no longer be CEO, marking a milestone in the long journey of Apple, what can be taken by American businessmen? If we use the transition of leadership at Apple is as an opportunity for self-reflection, what valuable lessons can be learned by the U.S. (and other countries) about the management, philosophy and business practices?
Well, now after 20 years since Jobs praised the HBR article, the U.S. economy and large U.S. companies have even become a force intact. If it was Rappaport and Halevi writes in his article about concerns over the challenges of today's Japan, China has been soaring as economic rivals that dominate the world market.
In 1991, manufacturing jobs moved overseas and fears haunt American industry. Today, with 9.2% unemployment, largely due to losses in the U.S. manufacturing base, such fears have become a reality.
Instead, through Apple, Steve Jobs has made it become unnecessary worries. When he returned to Apple in 1997, Steve Jobs immediately solve all existing problems. Jobs improve and streamline the organization, get rid of the competing teams, told employees that they have to fight for the company, not against each other.
But the most important lesson from Apple, according to Regis McKenna, Head of Marketing and Public Relations in Silicon Valley, "Look at all the case with an unusual perspective. Perspective that includes product design and user experience as a whole. Apple always tried to do it differently and do it better than other companies. Innovation allows you to get the attention of the market and no matter how good you are, you can always do it better. Apple shows exemplary values ​​are always striving for perfection. "
And it all becomes possible for Apple under the leadership of Steve Jobs. Now after Jobs went on forever, Jobs will be remembered for world heritage including his philosophy of life both as businessmen, scientists and human beings.


How to successfully educate a child isn’t just for the parent who wants to follow the recent trend and provide an education at home. If you take advantage of the tips listed in this article, you can help augment the education that your child is receiving whether in a public school or a private school. In order to successfully engage a child, the teacher will have to have knowledge of the subject matter, be creative, and have empathy for the child. Presenting topics in an interesting and relevant way, teaching energetically in order to capture and hold the student’s interest, and instilling a love of learning are all ways to promote learning.

A teacher who is effective will encourage understanding of the subject matter and the student will go on a quest for knowledge. The successful teacher will manage her classroom and consistently present the topics in relation to the student’s life experiences. The teacher in command will continue her own education in order to stay abreast of current teaching methods and subject material. Networking with other teachers will allow the teacher to broaden her knowledge to include the suggestions of her peers. A continuum of changing assignments and methods of presentation will ensure the student remains engaged and learning.

Elementary aged students will require the most work from an educator. The classroom size will range from 20 to 30 students who are dependent on the educator for more than just learning subject matter. An elementary teacher, who learns how to gauge the level of her students both individually and as a group, will familiarize herself with each student’s interests and will learn the answer to the question, ‘What do you want to do when you grow up?’

Let’s look at an example for how to successfully educate a child who is having trouble learning vocabulary. This is more common with the child in elementary school. A child who is struggling will not understand the context of the words when used in the different subject areas. An astute teacher will recognize this and will cover a definition of the new terms that will be discussed in the planned lesson. The words will need to connect with the student’s academic level and life experiences before the student can comprehend the new vocabulary words. A lot of times the use of storytelling will promote understanding as the child can hear the new word in a fun context.

Finally, the classroom population should be analyzed to identify different cultural, physical, and perhaps even religious backgrounds, to help foster an understanding of the student’s goals in learning. The classroom of today is very diverse when compared to the classroom of just a few decades past. This diverse mix can be positive when it helps the student to learn about other cultures and not to just focus on the differences in each student. The decorations in the room should capture the interest of the demographic mix and the student should readily identify the classroom as an area where learning will take place. The classroom itself can be as big a motivator as the educator when thoughtful preparation has gone into its setup.

The effective educator will establish goals for the classroom and encourage each student to set and reach learning goals. The teacher will have goals that help achieve the objectives and help to organize teaching. This will outline what the student should know after instruction, quizzes, and other learning activities. Students who are behind will still have positive outcomes and students who are ahead will also show progress toward the goals when the above tips for how to successfully educate a child are followed.

Nikon Is A Leader In The Market For High Quality Cameras

Have you any need of a new camera? Are you ready to invest in a powerful device that will allow you to more than satisfactorily save your memories for years to come? Well, there has never been more opportunity than now for finding your perfect camera. And whether you are new or very seasoned in photography, one of the most irrefutably leading camera companies is Nikon. They have been for a long time and will likely continue to be one of the most influential developers of this technology, so it’s worth getting to know them. Here are some ideas to consider.

Nikon has for decades without a doubt remained a dominant player in the market for sophisticated optics. This Japanese company has maintained an impressively growing record of delivering image technology to government and citizen consumers alike. The promise of their cameras in particular is to provide anyone a fantastic user experience.

So what specific things tend to set Nikon’s cameras apart from others in the industry? Well unmistakably their picture quality is very consistently high. That’s because there are at least 5 megapixels in each device of their camera line up. Of course the more expensive cameras can have even above a dozen megapixels. This allows even novices in photography to obtain world class images.
The demand for high-end cameras such as SLR and DSLR will likely continue as these products become more affordable. This of course is due to the continued innovation in the efficient development and production of cameras by Nikon. It’s increasingly possible to secure super high quality cameras at more affordable prices. Of course the best cameras are still expensive, but the prices will likely become even more favorable with the passing of time.

Another of Nikon’s strong points is the life of their batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are going to last you quite a while relative to other varieties, and such are the products of Nikon. Nobody likes to lose unnecessary batter power at critical moments when memories ought to be quickly captured, so this is a very important consideration.

The typical capacity for a Nikon camera’s zoom is very good. It’s normally good to have at least a zoom of 5X, but there are certainly models that can outpace this. The more advanced zooming ability can yield strikingly wonderful photos in the right hands. The auto-focus zoom feature of some models is a very effective means to vibration reduction.

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

  Direct and Indirect speech

Part A*
*Answer the questions begining with “he or she asked me……”*
1.     What time is it?
She asked me what time it was.

2.     Did you finish your assignment?
She asked me if I had finished my assignment.

3.     Have you seen my sister?
She asked me if I had seen her sister.

4.     Is what you said really true?
She asked me if what I said was really true.

5.     Who do you think will win the champions league?
He asked me who I think would win the champions league.

*Part B.*
*Change the following quoted sentences in to reported ones.*
1.     Fanning said, “You should come to the seminar.” Fanning said I should come to the seminar.

2.     “Is what I’ve heard true?” said Tania. Tania asked me if what she had heard was true.

3.     Robin said, “Come to my birthday party.” Robin said come to his birthday party.

4.     Vranca said, “I need to eat now.” Vranca said she did need to eat then.

5.     “Can you meet me,“  Abdul said, “after class?” Abdul asked me to meet him after class.

Jumat, 12 April 2013




1. You must help your mom
    C : Help yor mom
2. You shouldn't do that
     C : Don't do that
3. We had better study together
     C :Let us study togehther
4. You mustn't be arrogant
     C :Don't be arrogant
5. You ought to be polite
      C : Be polite
6. We don't have to be here
     C : Let us go from here / let us not be here
7. You have to obey you fahter even when he seems to strict
    C : don't obey your fahter  even when he seems to strict
8. we should take care or our earth
  C : Let's take care our earth
9. You shouldn't be like that
     C :  Don't be like that
10. You must make your parents proud of you
      C : make your parents proud of you


1.  You want to ask your tutor a question
  R : may i ask you a question?

2. You are at your friends house. you want to use the phone.
  R : can you allow me to use your phone?

3. you are at a restarant. You have finished the meal. You ask the waiter for the bill
 R : excuse me, may i ask for the bill?

4. you knock on your tutor's half open door. he's sitting at his desk. you want to get in.
 R : excuse me sir, may i come in ?

5. you want to see agung's dictionary
 R : can i see your dictionary ?

6. You are in class, you are talking to your friends
 R : can you talk to me for a minute ?

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

tugas 1



1. We have written letter to you
2. She has taught this class for ten years
3. You have not visited me for a couple years.
4. I have just called him
5. He has just finished his homework for tomorrow.
6. Mr. Vendor has live in California since 1997
7. I haven't seen you for weeks , where have you been?
8. Have you seen my car key in the living room?
9. Has she change her look foe man that she loved?
10. She often visited the museum before.


1. We have been in Surabaya for eight years.
2. I has been here since yesterday
3. you have been yelled at me for twice.
4.they have been learning English here since 1999
5.he has not been taken that changes
6. she has not been strewn the rumors
7. i has not been bought vegatbles in the market
8.has she been just slung me a ball?
9.have we been signed in that competition?
10. have they been rebelled since that tragedy?

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013


TOEFL , formally known as Test Of English as a Foreign Language, is a test of an individual's ability to use and understand American English in an academic setting designed and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) and TOEFL is a registered trademark of ETS. It was developed to address the problem of ensuring English language proficiency for non-native speakers wishing to study at U.S. universities. It has become an admission requirement for non-native English speakers at many English-speaking collages and university Additionally, institutions such as government agencies, licensing bodies, businesses, or scholarship programs may require this test. A TOEFL score is valid for two years and then will no longer be officially reported
  IELTS or International English Language Testing System, is an international standardised test of English language proficiency. It is jointly managed by University of Cambridge ESOLExaminations, the British Council and IDP Education Pty Ltd, and was established in 1989.

The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is "an English language test designed specifically to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international 


In 1962, a national council made up of representatives of thirty government and private organizations was formed to address the problem of ensuring English language proficiency for non-native speakers wishing to study at U.S. universities. This council recommended the development and administration of the TOEFL exam for the 1963-1964 time frame.[2]
The test was originally developed at the Center for Applied Linguistics under the direction of Stanford University applied linguistics professor Dr. Charles A. Ferguson.
The TOEFL test was first administered in 1964 by the Modern Language Association financed by grants from the Ford Foundation and Danforth Foundation.
In 1965, The College Board and ETS jointly assumed responsibility for the continuation of the TOEFL testing program.
In 1973, a cooperative arrangement was made between ETS, The College Board, and the Graduate Record Examinations board of advisers to oversee and run the program. ETS was to administer the exam with the guidance of the TOEFL board.

IELTS is accepted by most Australian, British, Canadian, Irish, New Zealand and South African academic institutions, over 3,000 academic institutions in the United States, and various professional organisations. It is also a requirement for immigration to Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
No minimum score is required to pass the test. An IELTS result or Test Report Form is issued to all candidates with a score from "band 1" ("non-user") to "band 9" ("expert user") and each institution sets a different threshold. There is also a "band 0" score for those who did not attempt the test. Institutions are advised not to consider a report older than two years to be valid, unless the user proves that he has worked to maintain his level.[2] [3]
In 2007, IELTS tested over a million candidates in a single 12-month period for the first time ever, making it the world's most popular English language test for higher education and immigration.[4]
In 2009, 1.4 million candidates took the IELTS test in over 130 countries, in 2011 — 1.7 million candidates[

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) developed the TOEIC test to measure achievement in using English in a business setting. The Asahi Shimbun national daily's evening edition [5] interviewed Yasuo Kitaoka (北岡靖男 Kitaoka Yasuo) who was the central figure of the Japanese team that conceived the basic idea of the TOEIC test.
According to an Aug. 11, 2009 Japan Times article, "In the 1970s, Kitaoka began negotiating with ETS to create a new test of English communication for use in Japan. ETS responded that it required a nonprofit organization to work with as their partner. Kitaoka tried to enlist the help of the Ministry of Education, but their bureaucrats did not see the need for a new test to compete with the STEP Eiken, an English test already backed by the ministry. To overcome this opposition, Kitaoka received help from his friend, Yaeji Watanabe. Watanabe's influence as a retired high-ranking bureaucrat from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (renamed the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, or METI) proved crucial to TOEIC's establishment.
Watanabe had remained in contact with his old ministry while working on the board of directors for the World Economic Information Services (WEIS) and as chairman of the Japan-China Economic Association, both public-interest corporations operating under MITI. Watanabe declined an interview request, but his memoirs describe how he overcame Ministry of Education opposition to the TOEIC by taking cover "behind the ministry of trade shield." Watanabe convinced his old ministry it should play the lead role in establishing a new English test, and formed a TOEIC Steering Committee under the WEIS umbrella. Members of the committee included other retired MITI bureaucrats and influential business leaders.
Government support secured, ETS began developing the test in 1977. In 1979, English learners in Japan filled in the first of many TOEIC multiple-choice answer forms."[1]
ETS's major competitors are Cambridge University, which administers the IELTS, FCE, CAE, and CPE and Trinity College London, which administers GESE and ISE exams



My name is Ira Paramita. I was born in Makassar, on 5 August 1992. when I was 3 months old, my family moved to Jakarta because my father was transferred by his office assigned. I enrolled in primary school of Islam PB. Sudirman, upon entering junior high school, I moved to Sukabumi to go to boarding the Qur'an As-Syafi'iyah. I was there for 6 years until I graduated from high school.

My father worked in state-owned companies, for which he served as Director of Finance. My mother used to work in a bank Mandir, but now he was out dann worked as a housewife.

I have 2 brothers, 1 sister and 1 brother. My sister woman named Dita, she had passed the S-1 Law and has worked in corporate Patents Indonesia. my brother man, had attended STEKPI, but due to some reasons, he moved to Gunadarma majoring in Information Systems.His name was Imam

My family really liked cats, our cat now named Petsy, Sissy, Moka. Named Sissy, has given birth to five children where the Petsy is his Father. we also had burumg black crested parrots and parrot.

my hobby is reading a book or newspaper, listening  musics specially from UK or USA musics, only a view indonesian musics i like too kind of chrisye sing, ruth sahanaya , sherina munaf, regina idol , anggun etc. their voice are amazing and so old, maybe because that i like them. also my hobby are travelling, i wonder if i can spend my money to Singapore, Brunei, Raja Ampat, Lombok, Thailand, India (mosrt want to vistt this country), Hawai, Moracco, Dubai. i can only hope but never stop to try it first. Always praying to allah SWT taht i can visit all of the country. 

now i am busy to write down my research about index, pray for me so i can finish it in this term.

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013


 Konvensi adalah suatu (seperti amalan, tingkah laku, ciri-ciri) yang sudah disepakati dengan meluasnya dan dipatuhi. Naskah adalah suatu teks yang berisi aturan, alur cerita di dalam suatu dialog (Penulisan sebuah naskah berdasarkan ketentuan, aturan yang sudah lazim, dan sudah disepakati).
   Maka yang dimaksud dengan konvensi naskah adalah penulisan naskah karangan ilmiah yang berdasarkan kebiasaan, aturan yang sudah lazim, dan sudah disepakati. Konvensi penulisan naskah yang sudah lazim mencangkup aturan pengetikan, pengorganisasian materi utama, pengorganisasian materi pelengkap, bahasa, dan kelengkapan penulisan lainnya.

Dalam menyusun sebuah karangan perlu adanya pengorganisasian karangan. Pengorganisasian karangan adalah penyusunan seluruh unsur karangan menjadi satu kesatuan karangan dengan berdasarkan persyaratan formal kebahasaan yang baik, benar, cermat, logis: penguasaan, wawasan keilmuan bidang kajian yang ditulis secara memadai; dan format pengetikan yang sistematis.
Persyaratan formal (bentuk lahiriah) yang harus dipenuhi sebuah karya menyangkut tiga bagian utama, yaitu: Bagian pelengkap pendahuluan, isi karangan, dan bagian pelengkap penutup. 

Unsur-unsur dalam Penulisan Sebuah Karangan:

A.     Bagian Pelengkap Pendahuluan
a.    Judul Pendahuluan (Judul Sampul)
b.   Halaman Judul
c.    Halaman Persembahan (kalau ada)
d.   Halaman Pengesahan (kalau ada)
e.   Kata Pengantar
f.    Daftar Isi
g.    Daftar Gambar (kalau ada)
h.   Daftar Tabel (kalau ada)

B.     Bagian Isi Karangan
a.    Pendahuluan
b.   Tubuh Karangan
c.    Kesimpulan

C.     Bagian Pelengkap Penutup
a.    Daftar Pustaka (Bibliografi)
b.   Lampiran (Apendix)
c.    Indeks
d.   Riwayat Hidup Penulis

Dengan pemaparan intisari sebagai berikut :

1. Bagian Pelengkap Pendahuluan
   Bagian pelengkap pendahuluan adalah bagian yang bertugas sebagai bahan informasi bagi para pembaca dan sekaligus berfungsi menampilkan karangan itu agar terlihat lebih menarik dan pada bagian ini tidak membahas sama sekali tentang isi karangan tersebut.

Teknik Penulisan Judul

Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pembuatan halaman judul pada karangan formal :
a. Judul diketik dengan huruf kapital
b. Penjelasan tentang tugas disusun dalam bentuk kalimat
c. Nama penulis ditulis dengan huruf kapital
d. Logo universitas untuk makalah, skripsi, tesis, dan disertasi, makalah ilmiah tidak diharuskan menggunakan logo.
e. Data institusi mahasiswa mencantumkan program studi, jurusan, fakultas, unversitas, nama kota, dan tahun ditulis dengan huruf kapital.


Definisi abstrak adalah representasi dari isi dokumen yang singkat dan tepat. Sedangkan menurut definisi umum, abstrak merupakan bentuk ringkasan dari isi suatu dokumen yang terdiri atas bagian-bagian penting dari suatu tulisan, dan mendeskripsikan isi dan cakupan dari tulisan. Abstrak ditempatkan pada bagian awal artikel ilmiah yang dibaca setelah judul atau tepatnya sebelum bab pendahuluan. Abstrak dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan suatu kemutlakan yang harus ada (persyaratan dalam akreditasi jurnal ilmiah).

Teknik Penulisan Abstrak :

1. Awal kalimat merupakan kata benda
2. Terdiri dari maksimal 250 kata, diluar kata depan dan kata sambung
3. Dalam bentuk satu paragrap
4. Menggunakan spasi 1
5. Menggunakan huruf Times New Roman
6. Terdapat kata kunci yang terdiri dari maksimal 5 kata dan disusun secara alphabet
7. Ditulis sebelum bab pendahuluan
8. Rata kiri-kanan 
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pembuatan makalah atau skripsi pada halaman judul :
  • Judul diketik dengan huruf kapital
  • Penjelasan tentang tugas disusun dalam bentuk kalimat
  • Nama penulis ditulis dengan huruf kapital
  • Logo universitas untuk makalah, skripsi, tesis, dan disertasi, makalah ilmiah tidak diharuskan menggunakan logo
  • Data institusi mahasiswa mencantumkan program studi , jurusan, fakultas, universitas, nama kota, dan tahun ditulis dengan huruf kapital
Hal-hal yang harus dihindarkan dalam halaman judul karangan formal :

  • Komposisi tidak menarik
  • Tidak estetik
  • Hiasan gambar tidak relevan
  • Variasi huruf jenis huruf
  • Kata "ditulis (disusun) oleh"
  • Kata "NIM/NRP"
  • Hiasan, tanda-tanda, atau garis yang tidak berfungsi
  • Kata-kata yang berisi slogan
  • Ungkapan emosional
  • Menuliskan kata-kata atau kalimat yang tidak berfungsi
b. Halaman Persembahan
   Bagian yang tidak terlalu penting dan jarang melebihi satu halaman, biasanya terdiri dari beberapa kata saja. Ditempatkan berhadapan dengan halaman belakang judul buku, atau berhadapan dengan halaman belakang cover buku, atau juga menyatu dengan halaman judul buku.

c. Halaman Pengesahan
   Halaman pengesahan digunakan sebagai pembuktian bahwa karya ilmiah yang telah ditanda-tangani oleh pembimbing, pembaca/penguji, dan ketua jurusan telah memenuhi persyaratan administratif sebagai karya ilmiah.
   Judul skripsi seluruhnya ditulis dengan huruf kapital pada posisi tengah antara margin kiri dan kanan. Nama lengkap termasuk gelar akademis pembimbing materi/teknis, pembaca/penguji, dan ketua program jurusan di tulis secara benar dan disusun secara simetri kiri-kanan dan atas-bawah. Nama kota dan tanggal pengesahan ditulis di atas kata ketua jurusan.

Hal-hal yang harus dihindarkan :
  • Menggaris-bawahi nama dan kata-kata lainnya
  • Menggunakan titik atau koma pada akhir nama
  • Tulisan melampaui garis tepi
  • Menulis nama tidak lengkap
  • Menggunakan huruf yang tidak standar
  • Tidak mencantumkan gelar akademis
d. Kata Pengantar
   Kata pengantar merupakan bagian karangan yang berisi penjelasan mengapa menulis sebuah karangan. Sifatnya formal dan ilmiah. Isi kata pengantar tidak menyajikan isi karangan atau hal-hal lainnya yang tertulis dalam pendahuluan, tubuh karangan, dan kesimpulan.
   Sebaliknya, apa yang sudah tertulis dalam kata pengantar tidak di tulis ulang dalam isi karangan. Setiap karangan ilmiah harus menggunakan kata pengantar. Di dalamnya disajikan informasi sebagai berikut :
  • Ucapan syukur kepada Tuhan YME Yang Maha Esa
  • Penjelasan adanya tugas penulisan karaya ilmiah (untuk skripsi, tesis, atau laporan formal ilmiah)
  • Penjelasan pelaksanaan penulisan karya ilmiah (untuk skripsi, tesis, atau laporan formal ilmiah)
  • Penjelasan adanya bantuan, bimbingan, dan arahan dari seseorang, sekelompok orang, atau organisasi/lembaga
  • Ucapan terima kasih kepada seseorang, sekelomopok orang, atau organisasi yang membantu
  • Penyebutan nama kota, tanggal, bulan, tahun, dan nama lengkap penulis, tanpa dibubuhi tanda tangan
Hal-hal yang harus dihindarkan :
  • Menguraikan isi karangan
  • Mengungkapkan perasaan berlebihan 
  • Menyalahi kaidah bahasa
  • Menunjukkan sikap kurang percaya diri
  • Kurang meyakinkan 
e. Daftar Isi
   Daftar isi adalah bagian pelengkap pendahuluan yang memuat garis besar isi karangan ilmiah secara lengkap dan menyeluruh, dari judul sampai dengan riwayat hidup penulis yang berfungsi untuk merujuk nomor halaman dan tersusun secara konsisten dengan baik. Konsistensi ini dipengaruhi oleh bentuk yang digunakan.

f. Daftar Gambar
   Bila dalam buku itu terdapat gambar-gambar , maka setiap gambar yang tercantum dalam karangan harus tertulis didalam daftar gambar. Daftar gambar menginformasikan: judul gambar dan nomor halaman

g. Daftar Tabel
   Bila dalam buku itu terdapat tabel-tabel, maka setiap tabel yang tertulis dalam karangan harus tercantum dalam daftar tabel. Daftar tabel ini menginformasikan: nama tabel, dan nomor halaman.

2. Bagian Isi Karangan
Bagian isi karangan merupakan inti dari karangan atau secara singkat dapat dikatakan karangan atau buku itu sendiri.

a. Pendahuluan
   Pendahuluan adalah bab 1 karangan. Pendahuluan bertujuan menarik perhatian pembaca, dengan menginformasikan masalah apa yang akan dibahas dari bab awal hingga akhir. Pendahuluan terdiri dari latar belakang, masalah, tujuan pembahasan, pembatasan masalah, landasan teori, dan metode pembahasan.
   Untuk menulis pendahuluan yang baik, penulis perlu memperhatikan pokok-pokok yang harus tertunang dalam masing-masing unsur pendahuluan sebagai berikut:
  1. Latar belakang masalah
  2. Tujuan penulisan berisi target, sasaran, atau upaya yang hendak dicapai
  3. Ruang lingkup masalah berisi pembatasan masalah yang akan dibahas
  4. Landasan teori
  5. Sumber data penulisan berisi data-data yang bersesuaian dengan pembahasan
  6. Metode dan teknik penulisan berisi penjelasan metode yang digunakan dalam pembahasan dan teknik penulisan menyajikan cara pengumpulan data
  7. Sistematika penulisan berisi gambaran singkat penyajian isi pendahuluan, pembahasan utama, dan kesimpulan
b. Tubuh Karangan
Tubuh karangan atau bagian utama karangan merupakan inti karangan berisi sajian pembahasan masalah dan disinilah terletak segala permasalahan yang akan dibahas secara sistematis. Bagian menguraikan seluruh masalah yang dirumuskan pada pendahuluan secara tuntas.
Kesempurnaan pembahasan diukur berdasarkan kelengkapan unsur-unsur sebagai berikut :
1. Ketuntasan Materi
   Materi yang baik dibahas mencakup seluruh variabel yang tertulis pada kalimat tesis, baik pembahasan yang berupa data sekunder (kajian teoritik) maupun data primer.
2. Kejelasan uraian / deskripsi
   yang terbagi tiga, yaitu:
  • kejelasan konsep
  • kejelasan bahasa 
  • kejelasan penyajian dan fakta kebenaran fakta
Hal-hal lain yang harus dihindarkan dalam penulisan karangan (ilmiah) :
  1. subjektivitas
  2. pembuktian pendapat tidak mencukupi
c. Kesimpulan
   Kesimpulan merupakan bagian penutup karangan dan merupakan suatu intisari dari karangan mulai dari bab awal hingga akhir. Penulis dapat menuliskan kesimpulan dengan dua cara :
  1. dalam tulisan-tulisan yang bersifat argumentatif, dapat dibuat ringkasan argumen yang penting yang sejalan dengan perkembangan dalam tubuh karangan itu.
  2. untuk kesimpulan-kesimpulan biasa, cukup disarikan tujuan atau isi yang umum dari pokok-pokok yang telah diuraikan dalam tubuh karangan itu.
3. Bagian Pelengkap Penutup
   Bagian pelengkap penutup juga merupakan syarat-syarat formal bagi suatu karangan ilmiah.
a. Daftar Pustaka(Bibliografi)
   Daftar pustaka adalah daftar yang berisi judul buku, artikel, dan bahan penerbitan lainnya yang mempunyai pertalian dengan sebuah atau sebagian karangan. Setiap karangan harus menggunakan daftar pustaka.
Unsur-unsur daftar pustaka meliputi :
  1. nama pengarang: penulisannya dibalik dengan menggunakan kos,ama
  2. thahun terbit
  3. judul buku: penulisannnya berctak miring
  4. data publikasi , meluputi tempat/kota teerbit , dan penerbit
  5. untuk sebuah aritikel diperlukan pula judul artikel, nama majalah, jilifd, nomor, dan tahun terbit
Keterangan :
  • jika buku itu disusun oleh duan pengarang, nama pengarang yang kedua tidak perlu di balik
  • jika buku itu disusun oleh lembaga, nama lembaga itu yang dipakai untuk menggantikan nama pengarang
  • jika buku itu merupakan editorial(bunga rampai), nama editor yang dipakai dan dibelakangnya diberi keteragan ed. "editor"
  • nama gelar pengarang lazimnya tidak dituliskan
  • daftar pustaka disusun secara alfabetis berdasarkan urutan huruf awal dan nama belakang pengarang
b. Lampiran
   Lampiran (apendix) merupakan suatu bagian penutup pelengkap yang fungsinya terkadang tumpang tindih dengan catatan kaki. Penyajian dalam bentuk lampiran agar tidak menggangu pembahasan jika disertakan dalam urusan.
c. Indeks
   Indeks adalah daftar kata atau istilah yang digunakan dalam uraian dan disusun secara alfabetis.

d. Riwayat Hidup Penulis
   Buku, skripsi, tesis, disertasi perlu disertai daftar riwayat hidup. Dalam skripsi menuntut daftar RHP lebih lengkap. Daftar riwayat hidup meurupakan gambaran kehidupan penulis atau pengarang.